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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Zelos’11 - Kongu Engineering College,Erode – Food Technology Department . Date of Function: 21.02.2011


ZELOS’11 a technical odyssey, creating solidarity and endeavor in unraveling the desire to attain a utopian feeling. In continuation to its trend of organizing students seminar ZELOS, a National Level Technical Symposium conducted by Department of Food Technology, Kongu Engineering College. It is the hub of analyzing and assessing breakthroughs in various technical aspects where the budding technicians are exposed to an ambience of stupendous technical background. It serves as platform for the emerging technologist to express their talents and innovations.







Guidelines for Intellectual Maestros:

* Two members per team.

* Font: Times New Roman

* Font size: Title- 14 pt bold, Authors name, affiliation and e-mail address and for abstract 12pt normal, Name of the author presenting the abstract should be in bold.

* Name as given shall be maintained in all correspondence. The text of the abstract of paper and poster should not exceed 200 words including title; it should contain OBJECTIVES, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS.

* Abstract should be in MS Office Word.

* Soft copy to be mailed to zelosft11@gmail.com on or before 02.02.2011.

* Decision of the judges will be the final.


* Finalist of paper presentation should bring 2 hard copies of the paper and a soft copy of presentation( ppt )

* 8 minutes for presentation & 2 mins for queries.


* Dimension of the poster: 90 cm x 60 cm.

Important dates:

Last date for abstract submission : 02.02.11

Intimation of selected abstracts : 04.02.11

Date for Submission of full paper : 11.02.11.

Novelty Quest:

* Projects pertaining to field of food processing sector only will be considered.

* Both models and working projects (includes final year main project) will be considered.

* Maximum number of students allowed in a team is 3.

* All the necessary equipments such as laptop with the necessary software and equipments like Extension boxes/battery power supplies required for electronics project should be brought by the contestants.

* Contestants are solely responsible for the equipments they bring.

* Abstracts should be submitted on or before febraury 02.

* Mail your abstracts to zelosft11@gmail.com.

Multimedia Tourney:

* Presentation based on theme pertaining to FOOD is preferable.

* Maximum 2 members per team.

* No picture slide show is allowed.

* Presentation time is limited to 5 mins.

* Judgement would be based on creativity, fluidity, originality, speciality and innovation

Apex Brain Storm:

* Maximum 3 members per team.

* First round will be a written prelim.

* The top 8 teams from the prelims will make it to the finals.

* Usage of cellphones and cross talks are prohibited.

* Questions related to all fields are expected.

And Surprise events


Staff co-ordinator:

Mr.J.Prakash Maran

Phone: 09842513666

Student co-ordinator:


Phone: 09003829113

Technical committee:


Ms.P.Jayashree Vasupradha- 09003636034

Email: zelosft11@gmail.com

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